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Visit statistics Pizzeria Mediterranea
Total visits
last 10 days
13 -4
last 30 days
136 +134
for the last 3 months
138 +138
10 days
30 days
3 months
Statistics by day in the form of a table by dates
Date Number of views
07.06.2024 1
30.05.2024 1
29.05.2024 11
28.05.2024 13
24.05.2024 3
23.05.2024 1
16.05.2024 6
15.05.2024 27
14.05.2024 67
13.05.2024 6

We store profile visit statistics (Pizzeria Mediterranea) for 3 months, it is available in public access (in the form of infographics and tables). you can build a chart for the selected period: a week, a month and 3 months, as well as monitor the dynamics of business profile visits.

Detailed information about Pizzeria Mediterranea featured on the company profile page.

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